Release date:2020/1/9 11:30:23
Numerous applications of polyethylene glycol derived polymers (PEG Derivatives) have been reported in the scientific literature for many years. With increasing experience and comfort by regulatory authorities, worldwide, in the utilization of these materials in drug and medical device applications, their use in a variety of research and development areas is expanding. The following table shows the range of applications of PEGs published in the first half of 2014 in the medical device, drug development, and diagnostics areas, including drug delivery, wound healing, cell culture models, and tissue regeneration.
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Compound  PEG Applications Reference 
Biotin PEG SGA Ester   Cell PEGylation 
Methoxy PEG Amine, HCl Salt   Diagnostics 
4arm PEG Succinimidyl Carboxymethyl Ester    Drug delivery 
Maleimide PEG Amine   Drug delivery 
Maleimide PEG Hydroxyl   Drug delivery 
Maleimide PEG NHS Ester  Drug delivery 
Methoxy PEG Amine  Drug delivery 
Methoxy PEG Carboxyl  Drug delivery 
Methoxy PEG NHS Ester  Drug delivery 
 Methoxy PEG Propionaldehyde  Drug delivery 
 PEG Maleimide  Drug delivery 
PEG NHS Ester   Drug delivery 
 PEG Succinimidyl Carbonate  Drug delivery 
PEG Thiol  Drug delivery 
 Amine PEG Carboxyl, HCl Salt  Drug delivery, Diagnostics 
 t-Boc Amine PEG Amine, HCl Salt   Drug delivery, Diagnostics
Amine PEG Carboxyl   Drug delivery,  Nanoparticle PEGylation 
 Methoxy PEG Amine   Drug delivery, Nanoparticle PEGylation 
 4arm PEG Succinimidyl Carboxymethyl Ester  Hydrogel 
 4arm PEG Amine  Hydrogel 
 4arm PEG Thiol  Hydrogel 
4arm Polyethylene Glycol   Hydrogel 
 8arm PEG Amine (tripentaerythritol), HCl Salt  Hydrogel 
 8arm PEG Amine, HCl Salt Hydrogel 
8arm PEG Thiol (hexaglycerol)  Hydrogel 
8arm Polyethylene Glycol (hexaglycerol)  Hydrogel 
Acrylate PEG NHS Ester  Hydrogel
Methoxy PEG Amine  Hydrogel 
 6arm PEG Amine   Nanoparticle PEGylation
Methoxy PEG Amine  Nanoparticle PEGylation 
 PEG Amine  Nanoparticle PEGylation 
PEG NHS Ester  Nanoparticle PEGylation
 Thiol PEG Amine  Nanoparticle PEGylation 
Methoxy PEG Amine  Nanoparticle PEGylation, Drug delivery 
 Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol  Nanoparticle PEGylation,  Drug delivery
8arm Polyethylene Glycol (tripentaerythritol) Peptide PEGylation
 Methoxy PEG Amine, HCl Salt  Peptide PEGylation 
Biotin PEG NHS Ester  Protein PEGylation 
Methoxy PEG NHS Ester  Protein PEGylation
Thiol PEG Carboxyl  Protein PEGylation,  Nanoparticle PEGylation
PEG Amine,  HCl Salt  Surface modification
 PLL20k-G35-PEG2k   Surface modification

Biochempeg is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Activated PEGs for the conjugation of proteins, antibody fragments and peptides to improve the stability and pharmo-kinetic properties of biologic drugs. 
Previous:What Is Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) & Its Application Next:Application of PEGs In The Field Of Medical Devices